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Subsea Active acoustic leak detection system

The system is designed for subsea installation, detecting even small amounts of oil and gas in ranges up to 700 meters and with a scanning sector from 3 to 360 degrees.


Our contribution has been focused on ​development of the software architecture and machine learning software for realtime processing of sensor data.

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Fare Evasion detection system

Development of an anti-fare evasion system that allows guards to easily identify, and apprehend fare evaders. The system also provides statistical data from all locations where the system is implemented.


CodeLab has been involved in all product phases with a main responsibility for hardware and software development. Our tasks has ranged from business and technical development, meeting customers, to installing the system in New Delhi, India  and Lisbon.

Read more at:


Medical Decision Support tool

Development of clinical decision support tools helping doctors to verify correct diagnosis and treatment and present tailored treatment recommendations according to current guidelines.


Our contribution has been focused on ​development of the software tools for both patients and doctors and to assist in research studies.  Read more at:


Staffing solution for health care personnel

Developing a staffing solution for municipalities having a temporary need for extra health care personnel targeted for Scandinavia (Norway, Sweden, Denmark)


Our contribution has been focused on ​development of the software architecture and the final solution.

See solution at:


Tool for early intervention and preventive public health

Development of a digital collaboration tool that ensures continuous quality in work with early intervention and preventive public health.


Our contribution has been focused on ​development of the software architecture and the final solution.

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Automatic people counting inside vehicles

Development of a machine vision sensor for automatic counting people inside vehicles for the ferry transport market.


Our contribution has been focused on ​development of the software architecture and machine learning algorithms for realtime processing of video data.

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